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Joss Whedon

Matt Roush responds on Killing Tv Characters with Whedon mentions - Spoilers

Friday 10 February 2006, by Webmaster

Question: Don’t you find the new trend to announce the character’s death (à la Las Vegas and Smallville) a cheap ploy? To me, it screams ratings rather than plot development. I still remember how my jaw dropped when Doyle (Angel), Fred (Angel), Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and, hell, even Buffy herself died. Part of the emotional impact of such events is having no idea that they’re coming. Not only does it seem like the pimping of a death for ratings, it also cheapens all other suspenseful moments of the show. Part of the thrill in watching a Joss Whedon show is that you are not sure that everyone will always make it out. If you know Smallville’s going to make a big announcement months in advance, then you never have to worry when you’re watching the show. I think that really takes away from the death of a beloved character. What are your thoughts? - Katelyn

Matt Roush: First off, thanks to Michael Ausiello for this question referral. (A little-known secret among us TVGuide.com columnists is how well we play together, sharing questions more appropriate to one’s POV than another; for instance, many historical trivia and music questions go to our trusty Televisionary.) But I digress. Yes, Katelyn, I agree that the hype surrounding these pivotal fatalities can be annoying, but in the case of Smallville, this was also an acknowledgment of the landmark 100th episode (typically an occasion for a major twist), and it allowed the producers to play with fans’ expectations on who would die, when and how. If the episode had disappointed, which it didn’t, that would be another matter. Always best to separate the hype from the actual episode. (Case in point: Las Vegas blowing Lara Flynn Boyle off the rooftop, one of the stupidest things I’ve seen all season.) Also, if you’re going to try to hold the rest of TV up to the level of Joss Whedon’s creative integrity, you’re setting yourself up for nonstop disappointment.

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  • I find myself agreeing a little with both sides here.

    Smallville has always been a show that i never got the feeling from that the history mattered. Well unless it was the drippy teen love triangle blahness. I missed last weeks show so i dont know if they even mentioned the person who died again. Last season on Smallville a supposedly important character was killed off and they didnt even mention that person the next week! Although, to thier defense, they did mention the character the next week this time (episode 101), but im curious to see if they can remembered this person at least til 102. So, in this paragraphs conclusion, not knowing a character is going would be a shock and possibly strengthen the emotional toll of the story.

    But it is true, not all tv is going to be as good as something Joss produces. Although id like to mention Veronica Mars and inside the genre of sci-fi and/or horror Battlestar Galactica and Supernatural. Not all shows can live up to the potential that they should and i really should realize that. Although letting go of such aspirations is probably the only reason im still watching Smallville. That and im somehow bonded with the character of Chloe. But it was a hard lesson i was forced into learning after Angel went off the air. All the deaths on Joss related things have made me sad the way they were supposed to. Other series have fallen flat on that (Smallvilles 100th by the way). But even the good ones can miss. I wasnt really effected by the death on Veronica Mars this season because i didnt know the cahracter all that well. But the difference is its still part of the ongoing storyline.

    I wish all tv could be wonderful, but then again i guess if it were we would all be stuck inside watching television all day! ;D