Homepage > Joss Whedon Cast > Michael Fairman > Conventions > Michael Fairman has signed on to the Browncoat Cruise
Fireflydvd.com Michael FairmanMichael Fairman has signed on to the Browncoat CruiseTuesday 27 February 2007, by Webmaster Great news everyone - we have our second official guest! Michael Fairman aka Adelai Niska will be torturing....I mean entertaining the Browncoats. More guests will be announced soon. - Brian Quote: "I’m anticipating that being at sea with the Browncoats on this cruise would be like rocketing the Serenity to ...oh...where...ah yes...Skyplace!!! Where they will all immediately become my prisoners. They will learn that Niska can be fun — with good food, the sea and the stars, they will discover that it will be five days of delightful torture. I am so excited by the prospect of spending time with this pack of joyous souls I’ve nearly wet myself. Believe it or not after meeting a swarm of them in England and in Los Angeles, they’ve made me believe I have a heart; that I’m capable of even... affection. I look forward to their energy, their comradeship and their spirit of fun."