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Michael Muhney want to tell the Whedonverse he’s now a browncoat

Thursday 25 January 2007, by Webmaster

Michael Muhney plays Sheriff Don Lamb on "Veronica Mars" Tv Series.

Calling all Browncoats...

If I knew how to post over at Whedonesque and other critical sites, I would. Therefore, I’ll kindly ask that this gets posted on appropriate sites by someone who knows how to do it.

Thanks to the fascinating evening I had not long ago with a gaggle of Browncoats, I was talked into watching the Firefly series. I had already seen Serenity and figured I would just see more of the same with the series. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The series captivated my attention, emotion, and imagination on an epic scale. I actually got to know the characters, Joss, and Tim very well through watching the series. I must proudly confess, I am now a Browncoat.

A gentleman that I met the evening of the Browncoat Backup Bash named Ray H. (I’ll keep his last name private in case he’s a secret agent of some sort) sent me the Firefly series, the behind-the-scenes "making of" fan DVD, and the soundtrack. I couldn’t possibly thank him enough. I’ve just finished the last episode only 20 minutes ago and I’m experiencing a myriad of emotions, but sadness would be at the forefront because I no longer have more new episodes to look forward to. I just hate how the general public or the flawed Neilsen ratings system can be the achilles heel in such a brilliant series like this one. There is a greater part of the modern world that doesn’t know what it’s missing by Firefly.

I could go on and on about Joss and Tim, but I think my favorite thing about their writing is the inherently flawed characters that drive this show. I love that there is so much weakness, waffling, and hesitation in each one of them. I completely identify with those characters and I am now wishing I had a relationship with Joss because I would seriously invest the next five to ten years of my life in the next show of his. If I knew the man, I would certainly tell him so. Who knows what the future holds? But, if destiny lands me on one of his next creations, I’ll be in a literal actor’s heaven. I wish more showrunners could take a page out of Joss’ book and really work the art of writing a true character-driven show. Look up "character-driven" in the dictionary and there’s a picture of wide-eyed Joss giving everyone the finger.

I was very intrigued how so many intelligent, articulate, snarky, and downright funny people could love a show so much. It was actually meeting the people who adore the show that drove me to find out just why they are so passionate about it. I have watched the series. I now know. Enough said.

I am completely honored to be called an honorary BDH. Thanks to Ray and all the other Browncoats for showing me something I needed to see.

Yours, Michael Muhney (a.k.a. future regular on Joss’ next show)

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