A) Her eyebrows are fine. Eyebrows, even plucked, aren’t perfect and can’t be defined as good or bad by one person.
B) Her teeth are fine. No one has perfect teeth.
C) Everyone makes a fashion mistake every now and again and I think Michelle usually looks good.
D) Did anyone stop to consider that maybe the lights and the fact that Michelle doesn’t spray on the ugly fake orange tan stuff might make her chest look like that?
E) A lot of stars wear glitter, including Sarah Michelle, who is a class act and very lovely. And, anyone who spells tacky with two c’s "taccy" has no right to judge anyone.
So Michelle made an error in judgement. Maybe she’s looking back on that and feeling really bad. At least her breasts didn’t fall out and she’s not on drugs. In a quest to find a style all your own, many people make mistakes, celebrities and average people alike. Average people just don’t have a large group of people dissecting their every move.