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Mokuji answers Buffy Radio comments again


Tuesday 14 January 2003, by Webmaster

>Are you REALLY? I’m really me yes lol.

>Well let me just tell you that Radio Buffy >totally is my happy place.

Cool it’s mine too

>Will you be putting up music from season 7 >as it comes out, on weekly basis

Yes, each week as soon as possible, if you want to know about updates look on Radio Buffy Boards : http://boards.zemok.com

>And, is 400 mp3s some kind of limit and >will you have to take some old stuff off to >make space for new stuff?

In fact 400 is an old number, now on Radio Buffy there are more than 500 mp3s, i do my best have no limit.

>Would be cool to have bits from other >seasons too, not just 4.

Putting new musics from Season 7 is already a big work but i try to add dialogues from each seasons. It’s right that for the moment there is a lot of Season 4.

>How did you manage to get up a radio >station with what must be copyrighted >material?

I pay taxes to american congress and ASCAP.

>Aren’t you worried about the long arm of >the law?

I don’t give mp3s in download, web radio streaming it’s different in the law.