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From Kryptonsite & MediasharX .com

More Smallville Repeats Announced

By Marcus

Sunday 27 June 2004, by xanderbnd

Wednesday, July 7, will feature (finally!) the return of Smallville to the WB schedule, with two episodes. The WB is following this trend the following week.

Here’s the schedule for the next few Wednesdays on the WB:

DateTimeEpisode Title & Description
6/30 - No Episodes
7/78PM#3-1 "Exile" Third season premiere. Clark is in Metropolis, high on Red Kryptonite, and everyone wants to get him home. Meanwhile, Lex is lost on an island.
7/79PM#3-2 "Phoenix" Clark comes home, but Morgan Edge is still after his blood.
7/148PM#3-3 "Extinction" A young man wanting revenge starts hunting "meteor freaks" from Chloe’s Wall of Weird.
7/149PM#3-4 "Slumber" A girl’s power brings Clark into a strange sort of dream world.