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Moviehole.net FireflyMoviehole.net Clint’s Top Ten of 2005 - Serenity is #2Clint Morris Monday 19 December 2005, by Webmaster You know what, I’m going to go on record and say I think its been a pretty good year for movies. OK, so there were the token duds, but there were a slew of goodies this year too. George Lucas finally came through with the goods (rather belatedly) with the third and final "Star Wars", The Caped Crusader helped us forget about his last bout with Mr Freeze, the crew of Joss Whedon’s failed TV show found a new lease of life at multiplexes, and Val Kilmer made us laugh - and not for the usual reasons. Here’s my fave film experiences of the year 2005 - excluding the footage of Russell Crowe being arrested on the New York street for throwing a phone. Clint’s Top Ten of 2005 1. Batman Begins
2. Serenity
3. In Good Company
4. Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith
5. In Her Shoes
6. Sin City
7. Mr and Mrs Smith
8. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
9. Shopgirl
10. Elizabethtown