Homepage > Joss Whedon Cast > Nathan Fillion > News > Nathan Fillion - "One Life to Live" Soap - He comes back
Tvguide.com Nathan FillionNathan Fillion - "One Life to Live" Soap - He comes backSaturday 14 July 2007, by Webmaster One Life to Live Bids Farewell to Asa in 10,000th Episode As previously reported, Phil Carey quit ABC’s One Life to Live when his contract expired in April. Since the veteran daytimer declined to go on recurring status, his Asa Buchanan character will die off screen. Sure, it’s a bummer. But fortunately, Mr. Carey — who turns 82 this month — will receive a fitting farewell tribute this summer. Several of Llanview’s legacy characters will appear in the 10,000th episode on Friday, August 17. As you might guess, they’ll be attending Asa’s funeral. Here’s the list: • James DePaiva (Max Holden)
Before you ask, Andrea Evans — who used to play OLTL vixen Tina Lord — is not among the visiting alumni. She’s still acting on NBC’s Passions as slutty socialite Rebecca Hotchkiss Crane. Anyway, look for some fun stuff leading up to OLTL’s milestone episode. As a special wink to the audience, the ABC soap will mention the number 10,000 in every episode from July 30 to August 10. "10,000 shows is a remarkable achievement," says executive producer Frank Valentini, who started work at OLTL with episode #4209 back in 1985. "I am extremely proud to be part of a show that has been able to make such an enduring mark on popular culture." "With immense pride, I congratulate all of the talented and dedicated people over many years who are responsible for the heartwarming success of One Life to Live," adds creator Agnes Nixon. Are you as psyched as I am for all those returning favorites? I’m particularly tickled to see the handsome Nathan Fillion — who costars with Keri Russell in Waitress — come back and pay respect to the afternoon sudser that gave him his start. Classy move. Speaking of ABC soaps, have you heard that Mr. Fillion is up for a juicy role on Desperate Housewives this fall? |