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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

’Nemo’ finds a spectacular $70 mil. at box office

By Cindy Pearlman

Thursday 5 June 2003, by Webmaster

Ellen DeGeneres wants you to know that no fish were harmed in the making of "Finding Nemo," the Disney kid flick that won the box office this weekend. In fact, she’s skipping snapper and swearing off swordfish now.

"It’s a little tricky, but I don’t think I can eat fish anymore," says DeGeneres who plays the voice of a talking finned friend. "I’ve already told the directors of this movie that the next character I want to play is a tub of Haagen- Dazs ice cream because maybe it will have the same effect."

Next up for Ellen is her new talk show, debuting this fall. "I’m going to be doing it five days a week, so I won’t have time to do anything else and that includes sleeping," she says, happily. Why make the switch to a gabfest? "Several people have approached me for years to do a talk show. I wasn’t ready back then, but I am now. For me this is a natural progression."

"I grew up watching Johnny Carson, thinking that was the best job in the world," she says. As for guests, she adds, "Of course, I’ll have celebrities, but I’ll also have real people who do interesting things. I’ll also have people on with their animals because I love animals."

She says that another sitcom is not a priority. "I hope my talk show will be the last thing I ever do. I hope I’ll be doing it 15 years from now."

BRUCE ON THE LOOSE: In God, he trusts, but Jim Carrey is not going on the record to talk about his religious leanings. "I believe in zucchinis, holy zucchinis," he deadpans, adding, "Since doing ’Bruce Almighty,’ I’ve been asked a lot about religion and I’ve gone multi-denominational. Basically I’ve studied a lot of different things." Carrey adds that he is a believer. "I don’t know what God is, but I know that he’s at least an energy that rules all and walks the Earth. I really think that there are laws of life. Maybe they’re also within ourselves. I call that God, too."

DARK GREEN: "Pardon me, but

the Star," says Seth Green. "I’m insulted to say the least." Green is talking about a recent tabloid story that said he doesn’t get along with "Buffy" star Sarah Michelle Gellar and thus avoided the wrap party when the last episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was shot last month. "The best part of this stupid story is that I’m working with Sarah right now on the second ’Scooby-Doo’ movie and we’re really good friends. But then I read that I’m supposedly avoiding the wrap party because I hate Sarah. I respect and love her." Green says he didn’t appear in the last episode of the series "because they didn’t ask me. It’s always hard when they bring my character back because it requires so much explanation."

DARK GREEN II: Green also stars in the No. 3 movie at the box office, "The Italian Job," with Mark Wahlberg. Green plays the computer nerd in the heist flick.

"It’s funny that they cast me because all I know how to use on my computer is the power button." As for his increasingly powerful role as a Hollywood supporting player, Green says, "It’s cool because I’ve been working since I was a kid. The great thing is that I worked, but I wasn’t in the public eye so much that I became a teen star." Now, he does have his share of fans. "It’s crazy because I really have to think, ’Hmmm, what time of day would it be best to go to the mall?’ Then if some of my younger fans come up to me screaming, I’ll whisper, ’Hi, do you know you’re yelling?’ " That kind of fame came from playing Dr. Evil’s son in the "Austin Powers" movies. Any talk of another outing? "I hear from my friends and from press people that it’s happening and all I can say is I’d love to do another one. Those movies are such a gift." And yes, he will try to be at the wrap party.

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