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New Angel Merchandise from Powerstar Collectibles - 10/3/03

Saturday 4 October 2003

New items in stock and shipping.

1. New Angel Novel "Fearless"

2. Shivers #107 - Imported from the UK - Spike/Angel Cover & special pull out center fold poster ! Feature article takes an in-depth look at Spike joining the Angel Cast.

3. TV Guide from the week of September 6th with a cover & feature story on Spike & Angel !

4. The Buffy/Angel 2003 Yearbook Special

5. Dreamwatch #109 - Imported from the UK - with features on the new season of Angel & Eliza "Faith" Dushku’s new show "Tru Calling".

6. New Photos

Be sure to check out the SPECIALS Section on the Buffy site for specials on Buffy and Angel Merchandise.

AND MUCH MUCH MORE. http://www.tvmerch.com/
To Reach Buffy Merchandise http://www.buffystore.com/