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New Firefly’s Serenity Logo Released

Monday 29 November 2004, by Webmaster

6 Forum messages

  • > New Firefly’s Serenity Logo Released

    29 November 2004 19:29, by Anonymous
    Oh dear, that really is not very good and won’t attract fans. I love this show, and want it to do amazingly, so we can maybe see another series, but that is tacky.
  • > New Firefly’s Serenity Logo Released

    29 November 2004 20:26, by Bry Katz

    I was rather hoping they’d just use the same logo/font style as the series, personally. It was much more aesthetically-pleasing than this.

    But as long as the movie’s as great at the show was, I’m happy.

  • > New Firefly’s Serenity Logo Released

    30 November 2004 02:13, by Anonymous
    This looks hideous - I would think the movie is a sequel to the Lion King or a historical martial arts film if I didn’t know better. The old logo was great - why change it? I wonder if Fox got them on some copyright thing.
  • > New Firefly’s Serenity Logo Released

    30 November 2004 07:49, by Anonymous
    I’m reasonably sure this is a fake, doesn’t even look like it’s been done by a professional. I think we’ll see more promising things in the future.
  • > New Firefly’s Serenity Logo Released

    30 November 2004 12:40, by mark
    I a designer and from my point of view it is pooh. looks fake anyway. can’t imagine for a sec they would spend all the millions of dollars on the film just to have a crap logo.FAKE!!!
  • > New Firefly’s Serenity Logo Released

    30 November 2004 15:32, by Anonymous
    As far as I know this is the logo on the side of the ship Serenity