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New "Serenity" DVD ranking after the Serenity Day !

Sunday 25 June 2006, by Webmaster

Browncoats were called to buy the "Serenity" DVD in order to show Universal that "Serenity" has a following.

The Amazon.com DVD-rank on May 29th:
"Serenity" #29
"Firefly" #40

The Amazon.com DVD-rank now:
"Firefly" #3
"Serenity" #4

"Serenity" was even #2 yesterday !

At Amazon.co.uk:

"Serenity" is #29 right now, it topped on June 23rd at #8!

Here are the Amazon.de numbers (the show never aired in Germany):

On June 11th:
"Firefly" #721
"Serenity" #295
"Serenity Lim. Ed." #679

"Firefly" #155
"Serenity" #983
"Serenity Lim. Ed." #297

The rankings refer to the hourly updated Amazon-charts of the last 24 hours.