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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Next Episodes and Angel Appearance On Buffy

Tuesday 18 March 2003, by Webmaster

A few spoilers below.....be warned:




From buffy1971: Is there any chance to save my favorite show, Buffy?Sadly, the best we can hope for is a spinoff. And that issue is not dead, so it very well could happen. But Sarah Michelle Gellar is very firm in her decision to leave the show.

From nychick08: I heard David Boreanaz is set to appear on the season finale of Buffy. Can you give us any dish on what role he plays? Is it a flashback scene, or is he helping in the apocalyptic battle? As of now, I can only tell you that, yes, he’s definitely there at the end. And it is not a flashback. I’m scraping for any info I can get my grubby little hands on and will let you know the second I find out.

Hey....that’s my question ya’ll. Nychick is moi. Although I think Kristen misunderstood the flashback reference. I was referring to a flashback as in maybe Angel only interacts with Buffy showing us what happened in their off screen meeting.

From salem_nc: Is Captain Tightpants Fillion really coming to Buffy?Yes, it has been confirmed that Nathan Fillion is playing Caleb, the evil preacher. He starts his five-episode arc in Episode 18, "Dirty Girls." The gang finds out Caleb is the one controlling the bringers, and when they go to confront him, Caleb kills Molly and gauges out Xander’s eye. (Ahoy, matey, get ready for some wince-worthy pirate jokes. Xander wears a patch the rest of the season.)

From jnila: What are the chances of the occasional guest appearance by Sarah Michelle Gellar on the spinoff or Angel next season? Sarah has promised to guest star, if there is a spinoff. No word on an Angel spot, though.

From the_groosalugg: Will I be returning to Angel this season?Well, your on-set colleagues told me it doesn’t look likely. So get your ass in gear, mister. We need you!

Hey, look who stopped by the chat. The Groosalugg himself. He was a riot

From the_groosalugg: In the last chat, David Boreanaz and Charisma Carpenter hinted that things will be very different if Angel is renewed. Could it be that Angel shanshus (becomes human)?I asked David that very question, and he simply said, "I hope that’s what they do." But I have heard that, yes, the show would take on an entirely different direction, if it were renewed. Joss is now pitching a new angle to the WB for the show—I’m guessing it involves his Firefly gal Gina Torres and perhaps a few Sunnydale expats—then wait to see if they bite.

Wow...now wouldn’t that be interesting!!

From jnila: Are you excited about this week’s Angel? I’m so looking forward to it. Yes!!! I mean, yeah, whatev. It’s cool. At the end of this week’s ep, with my lovely beloved Alyson Hannigan, the cat comes out of the bag about Cordy’s bun in the oven. ("If this is a speech about how things can’t get any worse, you may want to save it for later," she tells Angel, as he starts to rah-rah the posse.) And everyone tries to figure out just whether or not she’s got a devil inside. Also, Gwen returns and enlists Gunn’s assistance in helping to rescue a kidnapped girl from a mansion party, but it turns out Gwen’s up to her old tricks.

Holy crap. Electric girl returns. Didn’t even know that. Can’t wait!!

From nychick08: Do you have any inside info on whether Miracles will be picked up for a second season?It’s not looking likely. Sorry.

Not Buffy or Angel related I know....but it’s another of my questions that was actually answered. Go me....two in one chat!! I rock