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From Thebuffyfanclub.com

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Nicholas Brendon - Buffy Official Fan Club Interview

By Matt Springer

Sunday 25 April 2004, by Webmaster

Nicholas Brendon discusses the early days of Xander Harris and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

BUFFY FAN CLUB: Did the Buffy cast bond quickly?
NICHOLAS BRENDON: Definitely. We were all for one and one for all, Joss included. Once we saw the show was really good, it was easy. It was weird, because it was all of our first prime-time series experience. Tony Head had VR5 or something, but it was the first one that was really good, since Joss [was] here and he’s the god.

BFC: What’s it like working with Joss Whedon?
NB: He’s an amazing writer and an awesome person. I don’t know what actor wouldn’t like to work with somebody who can write as well as him.

BFC: Do you have a favorite Xander moment?
NB: No, not really, because they’re all equally important. "The Zeppo" was the best, because it showed a big range. When I first read the script, I was at Starbucks and I cried at the end, because he was changing a bit. He was accepting, becoming more of a man.

BFC: Were you happy Xander’s growth?
NB: Yeah. He’s a part of me. I’ve helped to develop this character. He’s gone through a lot of growth and some change. It’s nice because it [was] real life.

BFC: Which cast member was most fun to hang out with?
NB: They’re all horrible. [laughs] You get the generic answer: They’re all fun for different reasons, and it’s hard to say. That’s an impossible question to answer. Me. I am. I love hanging out with me.