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Olivia Williams

Olivia Williams - What I see in the mirror - Guardian.co.uk Interview

Thursday 20 October 2011, by Webmaster

What I see in the mirror: Olivia Williams

’I consider it an achievement to have survived the 90s without eyebrows that look like spermatozoa’

My face is alarmingly symmetrical. I can’t remember if that is supposed to mean I am a psychopath or I’m not a psychopath, but the iPhone face-symmetry app produced a photo that still looked just like me. I think gravity is tugging slightly harder on my right eyelid, though.

I avoid dwelling on what I don’t like about my face: that way surgery lies. I try to make disinterested observations, and it is undeniable I have a huge face. There’s a picture of Kevin Costner and me from The Postman and my face just filled up so much more of the screen – the sheer square-footage of it, nostrils like rugby balls.

I’ve spent my career dodging the self-loathing game. You have to be vigilant. Someone’s tried to wax my moustache. I wanted to say, "What moustache?" but then wondered if I just couldn’t see it. And Americans love to suggest dentistry, particularly to the Brits, who have, in their eyes, notoriously appalling teeth.

I consider it an achievement to have survived the 90s without eyebrows that look like spermatozoa. Apparently thick eyebrows are back in fashion, but as I got changed for a recent photoshoot, my pubes were referred to as "retro". I decided to take it as a compliment.

I’m playing Eleanor Roosevelt at the moment, who was too busy writing the Declaration of Human Rights to worry about her several chins. It has been a timely lesson in priorities.

• Olivia Williams can be seen in Broken Lines, in cinemas now on limited release.