Homepage > Joss Whedon’s Tv Series > Firefly > News > "Operation Gratitude" by browncoats for US Troops in Iraq
Forums.prospero.com/foxfirefly Firefly"Operation Gratitude" by browncoats for US Troops in IraqTuesday 14 November 2006, by Webmaster Operation Gratitude is an organization of volunteers who each year organize two donation drives to support our troops abroad by sending them care packages consisting of much needed and thoughtful items. This weekend they kicked off their 2006 holiday drive; their goal is to send out at least 45,000 individual care packages to arrive in time for the holidays. Aside from volunteers, Operation Gratitude depends on the generosity of individuals, businesses, and organizations in the form of monetary and item donations. Among the items listed on their donation wish list, two items in particular caught my attention: DVDs Screen Printed Shirts (I’m thinking officially licensed Blue Sun or Serenity shirts like the ones StylinOnline.com sells.) This is an excellent opportunity to not only show support for our troops serving away from their families this holiday season but to also promote our own cause as well, namely the further dissemination of Firefly and Serenity. I would challenge every Browncoat to buy at least one Serenity DVD this season and send it to Operation Gratitude. Their cut off date for accepting the donation of items is December 15, 2006. Please visit their web site for more info regarding their cause and for the address where donated items should be sent. http://www.opgratitude.com/ Notes: