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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy playable in "Call of Duty : Black Ops" expansion pack

Thursday 28 April 2011, by Webmaster

Buffy, Freddy and Machete Are Call of Duty’s New Zombie Slayers Dropped on a mysterious, ice-covered Siberian island, Call of the Dead has players control a dream-team of zombie killers as they fight to survive an army of the Soviet undead led by the set-light wielding reanimated corpse of George Romero.

Call of the Dead, part of the Call of Duty: Black Ops Escalation pack, stars playable versions of Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy The Vampire Slayer), Robert Englund (Nightmare on Elm Street), Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead), and Danny Trejo (Machete).

The Call of the Dead storyline is inspired by writer and director George A. Romero, who also stars in the level as himself, according to Activision. The game kicks off with players stranded on a shipload of the undead in Siberia. The gameplay here seems to show plenty of decapitations, eviscerations and movie-themed quips being dished out.

It’s hard to tell what’s gameplay and what’s cut-scene in the trailer, but if it’s all gameplay I’m catching glimpses of what appears to be a lot of new moves, weapons and attacks.

"This is Treyarch’s tribute to the legendary George Romero, who truly defined the zombie genre and whose incredible work has been such an inspiration to our team." says Dave Anthony, Call of Duty: Black Ops’ Director. "It was an absolute honor to work with such an amazing and talented cast whose passion and energy brought their characters instantly to life. Fans are going to love this."

Buffy, Freddy and Machete Are Call of Duty’s New Zombie Slayers

Call of the Dead is part of the Call of Duty: Black Ops’ Escalation map pack due out on the Xbox 360 on May 3 for 1200 Microsoft points ($15). The pack also comes with four new multiplayer maps: Zoo, Hotel, Convoy and Stockpile. Check them out here in motion and here as screens.