Personally I like reading anything that has to do with GOTR, because I’m a fan. I’m also a fan of Buffy/Ats and the actors and everyone involved there. So for me, it’s convenient that GOTR news shows up here. The people complaining never complained when all the news was nice and James-loving. They’re mad now because "OMG! Someone criticized the golden and perfect JM!!!! OMG NOOOOOO!!!". That’s what it is, and it’s stupid.
To everyone who is saying "how dare they criticize James, he’s so nice and polite!" Yes, of course he’s nice and polite to everyone at conventions and the fans he meets. He gets PAID, and it’s excellent PR. I’m not saying he’s a bad guy, I’m saying take it with a grain of salt. None of us here know him or are friends with him. We don’t know what he’s like behind closed doors, and we can’t judge how he gets along with the other band members, and we have no idea how they reacted to his "dissolving" the group.
Also. James has said time and time again, and conventions and on tv appearances, that GOTR is not "his" band. It’s a collaboration. Every member counts. Heck, Charlie writes most of their songs/music! That said, it’s totally out of line to start yelling that GOTR was "his" band. It’s not true, and he’s said so himself.
I myself was upset when I read James’ announcement. It sounded like it was a unilateral decision. More importantly, I was upset that he wasn’t giving me a chance to keep listening to the band, without him. I say, if he wants to devote himself entirely to acting, that’s a perfectly fine decision. I’m not going to hold it against him.
But IMO, it would have been better for him to leave the band, not "dissolve" it. Let the guys stay together without him, even if they use a different name. Let the fans listen to the band they love. Charlie writes most of their music anyway, and James has said in interviews/at conventions that with Charlie’s material only, they probably have enough right now that they could make the 2nd album a double disc. That tells me that even if James left and took his songs with him, the band would still have enough material to release a cd. James isn’t financing this cd himself like he did with the first one, so that shouldn’t be a huge problem.
Basically, I’m upset that instead of just leaving the band, as members of bands do all the time, he got rid of it all together. I don’t know if that bit at the top of the article, about the fall Gods of the Radio release is accurate. If it is, I’m a little happier. If it’s not, I’m more upset. I listened to clips of their songs online because James was in the band. I bought the cd and the t-shirt because I love their music and their lyrics. The band’s gone now, and they may or may not release their second album. That’s upsetting, whether it was a decision made only by James or whether they made the decision together (as a band should do).