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Rage against the TV networks (buffy mention)

By David Dale

Monday 13 June 2005, by Webmaster

Patrick Boland: My wife and I got over dodgy commercial programming years ago. We told Seven to go jump over their dodgy showing of Arrested Development and waited for the DVD. We will do the same with the current series of West Wing and probably Gilmore Girls as well. We’ll pay for a DVD, but would we give money to the commercial networks to be able to download our favourite episodes? Nope. Never. Not bloody likely!

As much as I despise the what the networks do to the shows we love, I sympathize (yeah right) with the tough position they are in. Commercial television is such a dinosaur. How long will it be before we get all our television needs from digital feeds from satellites or broadband? And with the invention of products like Tivo or the Foxtel dodgy iQ equivalent, never again will we endure crass and mind-numbing commercials. Hopefully these things will help put solid big chunky nails in commercial television’s coffins.

Due to their horrible treatment over the last few years of shows like Buffy, Friends, Sex and the City (to name a few) I’ve developed a strange and spiteful attitude that I want them to die, die, die! I want something new to take its place. A structure where customers are delivered a product on time and when they want it. Not next month or ’back in three weeks’ or even next year. I’ll pay for it, sure. But I expect a decent and consistent service for my good money. The commercial stations can go jump... in fact, you could say, appropriately, that Commercial TV has jumped the shark."