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"Rocky Horror" Tribute - Guardian.co.uk Review (anthony stewart head mention)

Guardian Unlimited

Thursday 4 May 2006, by Webmaster

It certainly had the potential to go down in Rocky Horror history. And even if the laminated signs on the doors banned "rice, water pistols and lighters" from the auditorium - and though the number of conservative men in suits outweighed the number of men in gold-lamé posing pouches - everyone still got to their feet for the Time Warp, writes Mark Brown.

Last night I was - where else? - part of the audience for the Rocky Horror Tribute evening, part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the English Stage Company at London’s Royal Court Theatre. But would history repeat itself?

On stage was a Rocky Horror roll-call of fame. Of the original cast Richard O’Brien, naturally, led the final Time Warp as Riff Raff. The crazy lady Little Nell strutted her stuff as Columbia (has this woman done anything else?). Patricia Quinn (now Lady Stephens, widow of actor Robert Stephens) reprised Magenta. And the original Rocky Rayner Bourton appeared as a narrator. If only Tim Curry, the original Frank-n-Furter, had only joined them.

Also present were many who have appeared in the numerous stage versions. Anthony Head (Buffy, Little Britain) was impressive as a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania disporting himself in heels as if it were second nature.

When a number needed to be belted out, Michael Ball appeared as Frank and ex-Boyzone boy Stephen Gately came on as Brad in place of the estimable Adrian Edmondson. Toyah Wilcox, Sophie Lawrence, Julian Littman and Gary Amers all gave strong support.

But it was the narrators who got the biggest laughs. Robin Cousins described Frank’s mansions as being "designed by a Pugin acolyte with a weak grip on reality." Christopher Biggins: "Brad is drowning in his sea of heartbreak."

The official Rocky Horror fan club offers house rules for what to do and when while watching a show or film, and although last night’s Time Warp was a little more muted than it might have been - the Royal Court’s own house rules, perhaps - this still ranked as a Rocky Horror to remember. Even for those who happened to be there 33 years ago.