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From Elitestv.com

Roger Ebert has spoken : The best and worst (sarah michelle gellar mention)

By Anthony Langlois

Monday 27 December 2004, by Webmaster

Veteran film critic Roger Ebert once said than his reviews should be taken for what they are: mone man’s opinion. Still, he’s been doing it long enough to know what he’s talking about, and when he talks, usually, people listen. Especially movie people.

As it is his yearly tradition, Ebert has listed is lists of best and lamest of 2004. Many will frown at his top-10 thumbs up, but it does offer an interesting perspective. Among the sure things like "Sideways" and "Million Dollar Baby", Rog has sneaked a few controversial choices. "Kill Bill Vol.2" reaches runner up spot, although reviews were quite mixed, especially compared to Vol.1. "Spider Man 2" is another question mark. It did surpass the original, but an action-pack eye candy as the year’s fourth best?

As for the losers, more chuckles than grunts will be heard over there, but one will have fans scream for revenge: the sixth worst, according to Ebert, is the American remake of "The Grudge".

"Sarah Michelle Gellar, the nominal star, has been in her share of horror movies, and all by herself could have written and directed a better one than this," writes the man on his official site.

Read all about Roger Ebert’s thoughts on the 2004 movie year over at RogerEbert.com.

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