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From Tvguide.com

Roswell Alum the New Buffy ? (buffy mention)

Saturday 18 September 2004, by Webmaster

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Shiri Appleby

Ever since UPN staked Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we’ve been waiting for a new Chosen One to emerge and kick some bogeyman butt. With the premiere of Darklight this Saturday (9 pm/ET on Sci Fi), our patience finally pays off: Roswell ingenue Shiri Appleby comes out swingin’ as Lilith, an age-old demon reprogrammed to fight the forces of evil. Sound good? It did to Miss Appleby, too.

"When you see a strong heroine like that in a script, I think it would be silly not to jump at the opportunity [to take the part]," the 25-year-old California girl tells TV Guide Online. "I knew it would be interesting, and it was. It’s very odd looking in the mirror and seeing your face covered in purple [makeup] - definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience!"

Or maybe, just maybe, twice in a lifetime. The creature feature’s ending leaves open the door to a sequel (if not a series). However, Appleby says that no one’s come knocking... yet. "I haven’t heard anything, but I’m sure [Darklight’s writer-director] Bill [Platt]’s scheming something as we speak."

In the meantime, the in-demand actress will keep busy plugging her upcoming films. Besides Havoc, Love Surreal and When Do We Eat?, she’s especially psyched about Undertow, the drama that could catapult her closer to the league of her thespian idols, Julianne Moore and Catherine Keener. "It’s sort of a breakout role for me," she suggests. "The character is a homeless runaway who meets up with Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot) on the road."

No matter the boost Undertow may give her career, the leading lady will continue to reserve a place in her heart for Roswell, the cult fave that replaced Romeo and Juliet with aliens and earthlings. Despite continued interest from fans, she doubts that a movie reunion will ever come to pass.

"I was just in Paris doing press for the DVD release of Roswell, and the same question came up," she recalls. "But I’ve only heard about it from interviewers, not from anybody who was involved with the show.

"Still, it’s a wonderful feeling to know that people [remain] so interested," she concludes. "It obviously really touched some people."

3 Forum messages

  • > Roswell Alum the New Buffy ? (buffy mention)

    18 September 2004 15:16, by Kat
    Check it out - Illyria rip-off.
  • > Roswell Alum the New Buffy ? (buffy mention)

    20 September 2004 03:50, by Darren
    Totally. What the morons should be doing, is instead of an Illyria RIP-off, they should be making an Illyria SPIN-off. Two different things fat cats! Now go get that up the duff lassy Acker to stick that blue face on again so we can see her kick demon ass with Spike. Yeah thats right, its gonna be an Illyria AND Spike spinoff called... Well i cant think of a name but just make it ok?! GOOD. Now get writing Joss. Ditch the other s**t like X Men and Firefly and stay on track. The Buffyverse is calling son. (I love X Men and have never really got into Firefly, but I am sure its very good. I was not in anyway seriously dissing his other works. Well, just a bit but what you gonna do huh? lol)
  • > Roswell Alum the New Buffy ? (buffy mention)

    1 October 2004 07:45, by Johnny

    If you actually watched the movie you would realize that it is clearly NOT an Illyria rip-off. The movie is based on an old Hebrew mythology of there being a wife (Lilith) made for Adam BEFORE Eve, who was cast out of the Garden of Eden because she saw herself as Adam’s equal and would not bow down to him.

    The writers of course put a sci-fi spin to the myth saying that after Lilith was cast out of the Garden she became a demon of sorts, but the movie has no similarities to the character of Illyria whatsoever. You should actually learn the facts about something before labeling it.