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SafeSearching.com Alyssa Milano New Post !

By Alyssa Milano

Thursday 19 August 2004, by xanderbnd

Hello!!!!!!! #1576466 - 08/18/04 07:05 PM

Hi everybody! I hope you’re all well. I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written. I have so much to catch you all up on I don’t even know where to begin! Lets see - I took my first field trip as an ambassador for UNICEF. I went to Angola. It was an incredible experience. Angola suffered over thirty years of civil war (the longest war in Africa’s history) and they signed the peace treaty only two years ago. They are just begining to rebuild the country’s health care and educational systems. I spent my time visiting nutrition centers, health clinics, and schools, educating myself on the struggles of the country and helping out wherever I could. In my opinion, minefields are the biggest Angolan post war issue. Children make up sixty percent of the population and there is one landmine for every child. I walked through a minefield with the HALO Organization. I’ll be honest, I was a little scared. The thing that really affected me though was the fact that as I was walking through the minefield, I could hear children playing. I found it hard to digest that even though they are now living in peace, there is still a threat because of the landmines. Civilians are still suffering. It was a life changing trip and I am inspired to do whatever I can to help the Angolan people. I have to tell you, through all the social and political strife the Angolan people have dealt with, the spirit of the people was astounding. I was enchanted by seeing so many smiling faces filled with hope. The human spirit is so resilient. We can overcome anything. If you’re interested in learning more about the country and how you can help, you should check out UNICEF’s website. I also had the opportunity to go to Boston for the democratic convention. I was there as a deligate for the Creative Coalition (which is an organization of artists that lobby for important creative endeavors ie. government funding for the arts, freedom of speech, etc.) and to support Kerry in his quest for the white house. I hope you were able to catch some of the speeches. They were really motivating. The energy in the Fleet Center was insane. There were 50,000 people in that room, all with the same passion and vision. I went with my friend Allana and we had the best time. And now, what you’ve all been waiting for - Charmed! Well, we are now shooting the third episode of the season and it’s been really fun so far. We have settled into our new stages. We are on a big lot now and guess what? Jullian shoots Nip/Tuck there too. He comes by all the time to bug us. He’s so funny. We miss having him on the show. Nick Lachey is a really sweet guy. We are having fun working together. Rose is happy. Holly is beyond happy. Finley comes to work everyday and by the end of the day he has my lipstick all over him. He is so perfect. All he does is smile. Having him there is a great distraction for us all. Charisma Carpenter starts work on Friday and we are all excited to have her. It’s hard to believe it’s been seven years already. Time flies when you’re having fun. I just want you all to know, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I read my boards everyday. You all mean a lot to me and if it seems I don’t post enough it is only because my life is sometimes bigger than me and my time is so limited. Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers and I will always come back home to safesearching.

Thanks for reading!!!!!

Peace, Light, And Love, Alyssa