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From Scifi.com

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Sarah Michelle Gellar Defends Buffy DVDs

Friday 22 October 2004, by Webmaster

Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar told SCI FI Wire that time constraints, not a lack of interest, prevented her from providing commentaries on the acclaimed TV show’s DVD sets. "You know, it’s so interesting," she said during an interview while promoting her new film, The Grudge. "Most of the time in this business you really only get one side. You get he who speaks loudest."

The DVD sets of Buffy, which ended its seven-season run on The WB and UPN last year, have featured commentaries by cast and crew, but not the star. "In terms of the DVDs, they always did the commentaries during the show," Gellar said. "I was working constantly, three units. There was never time. It was unfortunate. It was a timing thing. If you tell a line producer, ’OK, we need Sarah for two hours on this day to do commentary,’ the line producer is going to tell you, ’Uh-uh.’ So that was why I didn’t do it during the show. And if I had free time, if for some reason I was getting a day off, I was taking it. I was exhausted." Season seven of Buffy comes out on DVD on Nov. 16. 2004

5 Forum messages

  • > Sarah Michelle Gellar Defends Buffy DVDs

    22 October 2004 22:39, by Anonymous
    I understand where she is comming from but I still would LOVE to hear what she has to say in a commentary.
  • > Sarah Michelle Gellar Defends Buffy DVDs

    22 October 2004 23:11, by Anonymous
    I would just kill for a commentary of sarah together with someone like Joss!
  • > Sarah Michelle Gellar Defends Buffy DVDs

    23 October 2004 03:45, by Anonymous
    This sounds like an excuse to me. What, like Joss doesn’t have work to do also, or the other cast? They manage to squeeze it in. I think that these types of things like DVD participation and attending ComicCon (this year doesn’t count) is something that should’ve been a higher priority for her. Jennifer Garner does Alias commentaries, and she’s a bigger star than SMG.
  • > Sarah Michelle Gellar Defends Buffy DVDs

    23 October 2004 08:44, by Anonymous
    Out of seven years, she couldn’t find time for one episode of commentary. It’s not like she would have to prepare things to say for it. Some of the actor commentaries I’ve heard from different shows, just comment on the dumbest things. (Obviously no prep is really involved). Watch one episode with other cast members, make some comments, while eating or something. In 40 some minutes your done. I’ve even heard of them done by a few cast members and one of them connected by phone. I would understand not having time for a long video interview.
  • > Sarah Michelle Gellar Defends Buffy DVDs

    27 October 2004 00:59, by Hallie
    She probably just didn’t consider it very important at the time. She’s the only cast member who complains SO MUCH about how *incredibly* *exhausting* the show was (yes, I know she was the star, but still.....). Don’t get me wrong, I’m her biggest fan, but c’mon......one commentary (or interview)?