Homepage > Joss Whedon’s Tv Series > Firefly > News > "Serenity" Australian Screening - Q&A to be filmed as part of the (...)
From Serenitymovie.com.au Firefly"Serenity" Australian Screening - Q&A to be filmed as part of the Serenity DVDFriday 9 September 2005, by Webmaster Browncoats, In preparation for the shiny goodness that is the Q+A screenings of the BDM, here are some guidelines to let you know how things will run.
We really hope that you guys will support UIP and Joss in our efforts to get ’Serenity’ out there to the public and understand that he’s under an immense amount of time pressure and media commitments. To this end should anything go awry with signings please be patient and understand that we will make every possible effort to ensure all who attend the screenings are catered to appropriately. Many thanks for your patience and we look forward to seeing you all there on the night! UIP Australia |