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"Serenity" Movie listed among The Sunday Times’ 50 Best DVDs of 2006

Monday 4 December 2006, by Webmaster


The Squid and the Whale Sony, 15, £19.99
Noah Baumbach’s 1980s-set autobiographical debut is an unflinching, bitterly funny study of a bookish Brooklyn family’s break-up.

Pride & Prejudice Universal, U, £19.99
Joe Wright’s grass-scented, muddy-hemmed Jane Austen provides a convincing case for Keira Knightley’s acting.

Serenity Universal, 15, £19.99
Reincarnated from the cancelled TV series Firefly, Joss Whedon’s film version fully justifies fans’ obsession.

Superman Returns Warner, 12, £25.99
Brandon Routh turns the man of steel into a romantic hero. His special effect is more winning than the CGI whizzbangs.
