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"Serenity" Movie wins 2 times on Scifibrain.com Best Sci-Fi Of 2005

Friday 23 December 2005, by Webmaster

The end of 2005 has come, and we celebrate the arrival of 2006 with our Best Sci-Fi Of 2005 awards. Did your favorite TV show or movie win?

BEST NEW SCI-FI TV SHOW WINNER: Invasion and Surface (tie)

We started out with three contenders, but when Threshold goes and gets canceled, you can’t very well justify it. Besides, Threshold wouldn’t have won anyways. Invasion, only recently, started to show its full potential, but Surface is one of those shows that have stayed consistently good from beginning to end. Whether you want an alien invasion or sea creatures destroying the ecosystem, you can’t go wrong with either Invasion or Surface. Be sure to catch both shows when they return in January.

BEST SCI-FI TV SHOW WINNER: Battlestar Galactica Runner-up: Lost

How can you deny the excellence of Battlestar Galactica? In two words - you can’t! Many had doubts when rumblings of a re-imagining were talked about, but the first season delivered beyond imagination. Battlestar Galactica isn’t showing any sophomore slump either, as the second season has so far been just as compelling and amazing. Great writing, great characters, great actors - great everything really. If you aren’t watching Battlestar Galactica, you are missing out.

BEST SCI-FI FILM WINNER: Serenity Runner-up: War of the Worlds, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Joss Whedon does it once again, and thanks to all the fans who spent so much time trying to revive the ’canceled before its time’ television series, sci-fi fans got one heck of a movie. Serenity kept the charm and feel of the television series, but blew it up to twice its size and slapped it onto theaters across the country. Fans were disappointed that more people didn’t turn out to watch the movie, but that isn’t any fault of the movie, since it was easily the best sci-fi film of the year. One of the first sci-fi adventure/action films to blend drama and comedy so well in quite some time, Serenity is one of those films you can watch again and again, and is one that should not be missed.

BEST SCI-FI ACTOR (TV OR FILM) WINNER: Edward James Olmos (Battlestar Galactica) Runner-up: Nathan Fillion, James Callis, Terry O’Quinn

As already mentioned, Battlestar Galactica was our Best Sci-Fi TV Show of the year partly because of its great cast, and they don’t get much better than Edward James Olmos. If you look back on the first season and onto the second, usually the most memorable scenes are those involving this actor. At times cool, calm and collected, and at others a canned ball of rage that wants to explode in frustration. Edward James Olmos is everything an actor should be, and we can’t wait to see more of his work on Battlestar Galactica.

BEST SCI-FI ACTRESS (TV OR FILM) WINNER: Claudia Black Runner-up: Amanda Tapping, Summer Glau

A fan favorite from the now canceled Farscape, Claudia Black moved over to SG-1 with newcomer Ben Browder (also from Farscape) while Amanda Tapping recovered from having her baby. Her stint was only a handful of episodes long (around 5-7 in total), but since her leaving she has been sorely missed by those who loved her portrayal of the character Vala. Vala was funny, flirty, dangerous, and worked well with all of the other characters...especially Daniel Jackson. The demand of the fans has been so great, next year she will officially join the cast as a full-time member. We already wish that day were now.

BEST SCI-FI VILLAIN (TV OR FILM) WINNER: Cylons Runner-up: The Operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor from Serenity), Emperor/Darth Vader combo

It was such a great year for sci-fi villains, that it was really hard to pick the winner. We thought of going with the Emperor/Darth Vader combo, but their villainy wasn’t seen till closer to the end of the film. The Operative would’ve won under normal circumstances (he was just so unique and cool), but there is just something about the Cylons that make them a great villain. With Gaius helping them, the Cylons are this undetectable evil that everyone onboard the Galactica fears. Being able to blend in with the human population and send massive waves of enemies at you without hesitation, means that the Cylons are one threat to always take serious. Besides, they single handedly almost wiped out the entire human civilization...can’t get much more evil than that as a villain.

BEST SCI-FI VISUAL EFFECTS WINNER: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Runner-up: War of the Worlds

Giant space battles, futuristic and alien landscapes visible from the beginning of the movie to end, massive Wookies battling, and it all looked amazing whether it was at the theaters or that little TV in your room. The Star Wars films have always been pioneers when it comes to visual effects, and Episode III was no different. Besides, who can argue against a CG Yoda flipping around with his lightsaber in hand? Yeah, I thought not.

(waves hand in front of your face)

This is the winner you are looking for.

BEST SCI-FI MUSIC WINNER: Lost Runner-up: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Lost is one of those shows where you have to ask yourself, "Why hasn’t a soundtrack of this show’s music been released yet?" The score is always poetic and beautiful, often haunting, and yet can be adventurous and with a tint of danger when need be, and its all thanks to the wonderful people who provide the music. Also, with a keen ear, they always know what music to incorporate, as Mama Cass’ "Make Your Own Kind Of Music" was stuck in people’s heads for days after its airing. And whenever we hear that one piece of sad music that is usually incorporated during the most heartfelt moments, we can’t help but get choked up over it.

BEST SCI-FI DIRECTOR WINNER: Joss Whedon Runner-up: Steven Spielberg

You can’t really have a Best Film without a Best Director, so it is only natural that Joss Whedon - directing his first movie - wins the award for Best Director. With all the characters and plot going on in Serenity, it would’ve been easy for a director to come in and make a mess out of it all, but Joss knew exactly what to do with the script he wrote. The movie is filled with memorable shots such as River framed by a burning swing, that you can’t help but hope Joss Whedon gets to direct another film very, very soon. Hopefully, another Serenity film at that.

BEST SCI-FI NOVEL/COMIC BOOK/GRAPHIC NOVEL: WINNER: Infinite Crisis Runner-up: Astonishing X-Men

The follow-up event to the 1985 miniseries Crisis on Infinite Earths may only be into it’s second issue, but the prelude for this seven part mini-epic has been weaving itself throughout the DC universe for some time now. With minis such as the Identity Crisis, Countdown to Infinite Crisis, and The O.M.A.C. Project, readers have already become well-prepped for this new Crisis. Marvel has had such a poor showing this year with such outings as House of M that it looks like the time has finally come for DC to steal the spotlight with superior writing and impeccable storytelling. Infinite Crisis is the 2005 comic book event of the year, and with the series stretching into 2006, it could very well be a back-to-back-winner.

BEST SCI-FI VIDEOGAME WINNER: None Runner-up: WipEout Pure, Half-Life 2 (Xbox), Advent Rising, Indigo Prophecy, Perfect Dark Zero, Quake 4

No, "None" isn’t the name of some sci-fi videogame gem that nobody knows about, but rather our total disappointment in all sci-fi videogames this year in general. Unlike past years with the release of a Halo or Half-Life 2 for the PC, this year is just filled with very average sci-fi games that don’t deserve a win. Advent Rising was full of promise, Indigo Prophecy was pretty good, we didn’t deem Half-Life 2 should win because we’ve seen it before, and games like Perfect Dark Zero and Quake 4have some pretty visuals, but suffer in the fun and execution. So, hopefully next year, we’ll be able to at least deem someone a winner...hopefully.