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Serenity available on iTunes for $1.99 !!!

Jon Christensen

Tuesday 9 May 2006, by Webmaster

Note for whedon.info : "Serenity" the movie ? or the pilot ? Has Slashfilm.com made a mistake ?

Apple has messed up, and now is your chance for intenet sci-fi geeks to cash in. Joss Whedon’s sci-fi western television show Firefly is available to download on the iTunes Music store. Well someone at iTunes made the mistake of putting the feature film adaptation Serenity, online at the same price of an online Firefly episode - $1.99.

So get it now while it’s still up because FOX isn’t going to allow any movie to sell at this price, nevermind a movie with a large internet following. I wonder how many people Steve Jobs will fire over this blunder.

1 Message

  • Serenity available on iTunes for $1.99 !!!

    9 May 2006 21:49, by Anonymous
    Wow... This person must not be Firefly fan enough to realize that Serenity is also the name of the Firefly pilot episode and that Universal owns the Serenity movie, not Fox.