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Seth Green

Seth Green - "Entourage" Tv Series - Sunday Night Drama Queen : Entourage

Kelly West

Monday 7 August 2006, by Webmaster

The ‘Entourage’ boys went to Vegas in the most recent episode of the show. The excuse for going was for Vince to get away from the angry Hollywood Foreign Press and to judge a stripper contest but let’s face it. Do boy’s like Vince and his crew really need an excuse to go live it up for a few days in Vegas?

Drama’s excuse for going on the trip was to hit the spa and get a much-needed massage in preparation for his upcoming pilot. He was all excited to see this one masseur. The guy is a good-looking fellow and from the moment Drama shows up for his appointment, he’s just lavishing the masseur with compliment after compliment. He even gives him a bag of California almonds that he brought with him because the last time he was there, the masseur said he missed them. So I think most of us knew what was going to happen when Drama took the guy out with the boys and then back to his hotel room. I wasn’t sure who I should feel more sorry for, Drama or the poor masseur who got the wrong idea.

Ari agrees to split the winnings or losses of Vince’s gambling. Vince in usual laid-back form doesn’t get worried when he ends up down hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, at one point he says he just doesn’t want to lose more than $500k. Ari in usual tightly-wound form is completely frustrated by Vince’s frivolous gambling. Of course, in the end, Vince wins all the lost money back plus some in a (very) lucky hand of blackjack.

The third plotline of the episode involved Seth Green and his entourage. We saw Seth Green in the threesome episode and he was back Sunday night with his crew, also enjoying a bit of Vegas atmosphere. While Green conversed briefly with Vince and Drama, the sparks flew between Green and Eric when Seth asked how the “hotel thing” worked out. Eric said again that it wasn’t what it looked like. Green then went on to ask about Sloane. He tells Eric to tell Sloane “waddup”.

To the normal person, that would mean “next time you see her, tell her I say hi” but to Seth Green it means “Call her on the phone now and say waddup for me then tell me what she says back” because when Eric runs into Seth later, Seth asks if he talked to Sloane yet. Eric’s irritated by the whole thing and getting somewhat jealous. When he talks to the guys about this they suggest that maybe Sloane slept with him. Eric says he knows all the guys she’s been with and Seth Green isn’t on the list. Vince says it’s not uncommon for people to leave a few people of their lists. So Eric calls Sloane and she tells him they did some teen tour together and he was obsessed with her but that nothing ever happened between them.

The episode ends with Eric finally telling Seth to shut up about Sloane. He eventually has to tell off Seth by saying he knows nothing went on between them, to which Seth responds with a very crude remark about some activities he engaged in with Eric’s girlfriend. Luckily Drama, fresh from an extremely awkward situation with his masseur is there to throw a punch the second one of Seth’s boys makes a move. And so the episode closes with a brawl in the middle of a Vegas strip club as Vince stands back watching, mellow as usual.