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Forums.pdxbrowncoats.com FireflyShepherd Book’s Secret revealed at the 2007 Serenity Los Angeles ConventionThe One True b!X Monday 5 November 2007, by Webmaster SPOILER! - Book’s Past Revealed?! So during the Jewel/Morena panel at Serenity LA on Saturday, Morena got to wondering out loud whether or not she could finally just reveal what Inara’s big secret was. She herself figured she probably couldn’t, but the audience and Jewel suggested she simply call Joss and ask for permission. (Morena, however, said Joss doesn’t pick up the phone when she calls.) During their Sunday panel, joined by Christina Hendricks, the subject came up again — including after Nathan had arrived to join the women on stage. So Nathan called Joss. After a brief conversation, Nathan said that Morena couldn’t tell. Moments later, Nathan’s phone rang. It was Joss calling back. When he got off the phone, Nathan said that Joss had offered a compromise: Morena couldn’t reveal Inara’s secret, but could reveal Book’s. After some conferring with Nathan because she couldn’t remember if she actually knew it, Morena announced the following: Book was a dirty cop. Now comes the next great moment of Browncoat debate: Was Nathan ever really on the phone with Joss, or was he just BSing everyone? But he got called back, so he was clearly on the phone with someone. Nathan also said that of course Ron knew Book’s secret. But earlier in the con Ron had said he didn’t know. Nathan said he was a liar. At closing ceremonies, Ron reminded us that it’s Nathan who is a liar. So: Is it true? Did Joss really tell Nathan on the phone that Book’s secret could be revealed in exchange for continuing to protect Inara’s? Let the debate begin! And next time someone talks to Joss, ask him. |