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Singer offers Welling Superman - but will he accept ?!?!?

Thursday 19 August 2004, by xanderbnd

With the search for Superman stepping up S-V have heard that Bryan Singer has offered the role of Superman to Tom Welling! This will please many fans as he is BY FAR the most requested for the role (I have the emails to prove it!) and whether you like it or not he is the fan-favourite for the role and the subject of endless debates in Superforums all over the net.

Before you start getting too excited (or angry) bear in mind that Welling has shown a reluctancy towards playing SuperMAN and from what we hear from our source that is still the case and it is unlikely that he will accept.With Singer and the Donners on board and rumours of Christopher Reeve being involved Welling MIGHT change his mind but we haven’t heard anything to indicate that is the case.

The offer is on the table and we believe it is a two picture deal. With Singer wanting to get his Superman soon he wants an answer within the next 2 - 3 weeks. Singer has already had meetings with other actors to discuss the role with Eddie Cibrian (Third Watch) and Christopher Douglas (Passions) being mentioned but has only offered the role to Welling.

Check out the Tom Welling 4 Superman fansite for more info including how YOU can let Welling know how you feel.