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From Business.scotsman.com

Sky One reaches for the stars (buffy mention)

Wednesday 25 August 2004, by Webmaster

SATELLITE broadcaster BSkyB has unveiled a new line-up of programmes for its flagship Sky One channel in a bid to accelerate the group’s subscriber growth figures.

Among the upcoming shows are Deadwood, which does for westerns what The Sopranos did for mob dramas, the Sky co-produced Battlestar Galactica - a revamp of the cult-classic sci-fi series from the 1970s - and Hex, which BSkyB chief executive James Murdoch has described as a "sapphic" British take on hit series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Sky One’s viewing numbers have been hurt by the growing popularity of the Freeview platform.

The channel had a two per cent share in multi-channel homes in July, down from a 2.8 per cent share a year earlier, according to industry figures.