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Sonny Rhodes

Sonny Rhodes (Firefly theme song artist) is in bad health

Tuesday 13 January 2009, by Webmaster

Sonny is strong and mostly healthy, but the pain from deteriorating hips and a surgery for a complicated hernia earlier this month has taken a toll on his weight. Some of you have written in, wondering why Sonny has gotten so skinny and the answer is pain.

Sonny loves his blues playin’ so much that he just doesn’t want to stop and take care of his hips. But finally, the doctors and his struggle with pain have convinced him to undergo the first hip replacement surgery soon. Both hips need replaced, but Sonny and Annie have decided that doing one at a time will be best.

Sonny is a strong man with the greatest inner spirit and his attitude is that he will be up and going in record time. And he probably will! But as anyone knows hip replacement surgery can take several months to heal. Sometimes up to a year. We’re hoping that Sonny will be up and back on stage within months.

To help this great bluesman, this living legend of American Roots Music, his friends have decided to start a relief fund for the months that Sonny will be laid up recovering from these surgeries. A majority of Sonny’s medical will be paid by insurance but not all expenses will be covered. And since Sonny’s income comes from his shows he and his family are going to have a tough time for awhile.

We have set up a PayPal Donation link on Sonny’s website on myspace. If you would like to donate any amount please use this link. All funds will go directly to Sonny and his Family for expenses. 100% of your donation.

Sonny recently had hernia surgery and ran into some complication but he’s almost completely healed now. The doctors wanted that surgery taken care of first. So now, they are working out a timetable for the first hip replacement surgery. With Sonny we’re not sure when his slow season is, but the surgeries need done. No more stalling for Sonny! He has many loving family and friends beside him. Thank you to all of you that have written in. Sonny does read each of your emails and comments.

As ever he is humble and grateful to all his friends.

We will keep you posted.
Peace and love through music,
Sonny Rhodes &
Annie Rhodes

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