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Spike Leather Coat And Outfit - Ebay.com Auction

Monday 16 August 2004, by Webmaster

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Angel In this supernatural thriller, Angel (David Boreanaz), a vampire cursed with a conscience and a soul, has emerged from the dark underground tunnels he inhabited for centuries. Angel is free to roam Los Angeles without fear of sunlight since he and his loyal friends Wesley, (Alexis Denisof); Lorne, (Andy Hallett); Fred (Amy Acker), and Gunn (J. August Richards), have taken over the city’s powerful supernatural law firm, Wolfram and Hart, and are waging war against the dark side - one evil client at a time. Angel finds himself in a new and brighter world, surrounded by hundreds of co-workers and clients, but only a handful of people he can trust. Angel may have emerged from the darkness, but the line between good and evil will be harder to see than ever before. All he can do is go on with his quest to redeem himself - and the rest of the world.

ANG1277 SPIKE OUTFIT: This pair of black wool pants (no size), black shirt (no size) and black leather coat was worn on screen by Spike on the television show "Angel."

Item includes Certificate of Authenticity. Sales tax may apply. For inquiries about international shipping please email foxauctionmgr@fox.com.

4 Forum messages

  • this is not THE coat, the original is shorter. this is from one of the episodes.
  • > Spike Leather Coat And Outfit - Ebay.com Auction

    17 August 2004 04:43, by MemnochZERO
    Yeah, the actual Spike coat is very different. The normal coat is longer, and thinner. This coat actually looks thick, the collar is slightly different, and the side pockets, well, Spike’s normal coat doesn’t have ’em looking like that. If this WAS worn by James on the show, my guess it would the the Nazi officer jacket from ’Why We Fight’ minus the swastika armband.
  • > Spike Leather Coat And Outfit - Ebay.com Auction

    17 August 2004 13:08, by Anonymous
    I’m still waiting on the illyria suit and the real coat... those would be really expensive I think
  • > Spike Leather Coat And Outfit - Ebay.com Auction

    22 August 2004 21:44, by Nobody
    Thats the outfit from the WW2 ep.Its not the "Spike" jacket but the one stole from the Nazi on the sub in 1943.