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Spike the budgie wins Young Cross Stitcher of 2005 awards

Wednesday 18 January 2006, by Webmaster

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Spike in action !

A CRAFTY budgie who can stitch has weaved her way to the title of Young Cross Stitcher of 2005.

Three-year-old Spike took up stitching after spending countless hours on the shoulder of her Stevenage owner, Sandra Battye.

Mrs Battye, 31 and a forensic scientist, decided to write to Cross Stitcher magazine after seeing a story about a budgie who had eaten its owners stitching.

She sent in the story about Spike, who was named after a Buffy the Vampire Slayer character, and her apprentice was handed the award.

Mrs Battye said: "Spike was fascinated by my hobby and I was amazed when she started taking part. If I get distracted, Spike will keep going. She still gets confused but she’s getting better at pulling and pushing the needle through the fabric."

The budgie’s favourite design is that of a dragon and she uses gold needles.

Cross Stitcher magazine editor Cathy Lewis said her readers loved the story of Spike so much that the magazine decided to make her an honorary winner.

Mrs Lewis said: "Spike has to be the first budgie that we have ever had write to us and it’s great that she has taken such an active interest in our favourite hobby.

"We’d like to keep the prize a secret at the moment, but it’ll be something stitchy."

Meanwhile, Spike’s owner is going to treat her to a new cage as a reward for all of her hard work.

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