Homepage > Joss Whedon’s Tv Series > Firefly > Reviews > Starfury USA Convention Serenity Los Angeles - Fan Report 2
Planet715.com FireflyStarfury USA Convention Serenity Los Angeles - Fan Report 2Friday 9 November 2007, by Webmaster
One thing that is the mark of Browncoats is their sense of community. Adam Baldwin stated in the closing ceremonies how the fans and actors are all working together to continue the legacy of the show from the point where the show was canceled, to the campaign to bring it back. Starfury conventions are also known for catering to the fans, and the combination of the two really lead to a very enjoyable weekend. This really hit the sweet spot of Firefly convention goodness. The whole atmosphere of the convention was geared toward making things entertaining for everyone present. The convention was held at the Element night club in Hollywood. This is one of the most popular clubs in Hollywood and is a hangout spot of many stars. If you walked outside and onto Hollywood Blvd, you could see the walk of fame with all the stars along the sidewalk. There were stretch limousines cruising down the street, someone playing the drums, and other interesting characters to be found in this exciting area. There were around 150 attendees at the convention, seated at several large round tables that encouraged the guests to interact with one another. All the seats were good. There was bar service as well as nice restaurants around the area. Paid parking was readily available right across the street. The stars present included Adam Baldwin, Morena Baccarin, Jewel Staite, Christina Hendricks, Nectar Rose, Mark Sheppard, Ron Glass, Jonathan Woodward, Yan Feldman, and Dayne Johnson. Click on the link for more : http://planet715.com/conventions/serenityla/report/serenityla1.html |