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Summer Glau

Summer Glau - "Terminator" Saga - Popular Mechanics compares all the Terminators

Monday 28 January 2008, by Webmaster

Cameron Phillips (Series Unknown)

Appearance: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

The cyborg heroine of the new TV series is a coy enigma wrapped in an oddly flirtatious mystery. Her name is Cameron Phillips, and she’s the third Terminator to be stuck bodyguarding John Connor. “Are you a new model?” John Connor asks in the first episode. “You seem ... different.” He’s right. She’s the least forthcoming robot assassin in the franchise, and since the show’s publicist is keeping a lid on any Cameron-related revelations, declining to provide us with any info, we’re not about to speculate too heavily. So here’s what (little) we know.


If Cameron has any nanobots to speak of, she’s keeping them under wraps. She bleeds like a T-800, has no interest in remote controlling computers or machines, and goes into battle with her fists or whatever weapons are around. However, her eyes glow blue. And they do so on command. Like the T-888’s loose-neck, this seems more like a Halloween party trick than an upgrade, but at least her vision is better than the 800/850/888 series, displaying her surroundings in full color. Cameron’s only useful new feature is a ton of embedded sensors—in the second episode, she takes a number of readings just by brushing John’s neck with her fingers, including his temperature and salinity (in other words, she discovered that he was sweaty). Then again, the T-X could analyze DNA samples with her mouth. As far as this franchise goes, Cameron has a long way to go toward impressing anyone.

Artificial Intelligence

In terms of impersonating a human, Cameron is by far the most convincing of the Terminators. At least in the first episode, where she trys to endear herself to John Connor. She survives, even commands, a genuine conversation with all the “aw shucks” awkwardness of a teenager, and manages to lay the foundations for a human-robot crush. But the instant she drops her human cover to start protecting John, Cameron seems to lose her ability to talk in anything but a monotone. Whether she was working from a preprogrammed “first-meeting-with-John” script, or she only turns on the charm when absolutely necessary remains to be seen. But speech patterns aside, this is a robot with genuine feelings, reassuring both mother and son Connor when necessary, and casually offering a diamond to Sarah in the second episode because “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” So far, Cameron’s emotions haven’t gotten in the way of her mission, or triggered a single bit of T-800-style verbal diarrhea. If it takes a little emotion to save John Connor, and possibly stop Skynet from ever being born, maybe this advanced AI will be the most useful feature a Terminator could have. Or maybe it’ll just lead to shameful and highly saline human-robot relations.

How Do You Stop It?

Like the T-888, Cameron can be knocked out with electricity, with the same two-minute reboot period. And her skin can be scraped off, revealing those trademark metal components. So far, Cameron has survived bullets, head-on collisions, and a few melees with T-888s. She’s doesn’t look it, but this Terminator is at least as tough as the previous endoskeleton-based models, and maybe more so.

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