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Summer Glau

Summer Glau gets fugged because of her dress

Thursday 29 June 2006, by Webmaster

From afar, when it was a thumbnail-sized photo, I thought Summer Glau’s dress was actually a scene from a child’s cartoon — Thomas the Tank Engine, perhaps. And that was weird enough. But then, I saw it this size, and realized it’s actually just a completely mystifying and terrible tableau of somebody’s surrealist Fisher Price nightmares.

What is that thing on the left? Is it the crumpled body of a person who has been left for dead? Is it... no, wait, now all I can see is the crumpled body of a person who’s been left for dead. This thing is like a fashion Rorschach test. So unfortunately, it probably says very strange things indeed about my psyche if all I can make out is the form of a corpse, but at least I can take comfort in the fact that it says worse things about her psyche that she wore this thing out of the house in the first place.

1 Message

  • Summer Glau gets fugged because of her dress

    27 January 2007 06:48, by Chuck
    Being alittle cruel don’t you think. I personaly find it(it being her dress) daring that she would try and show some personality, with alittle bit of whimsy. But then again I am no fasionista. I am more then alittle biest, being as I am huge fan of hers, and have been called crazy more then a couple of times myself. But what do I know I’m just a guy that thinks she looked beautiful even in combat boots.