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Swag : "Firefly" Tv Series flask - Can you say "One semester of Stanford education fully paid" ?

Sunday 1 October 2006, by Webmaster

Of course, I would never do that. But some Whedonesque "Firefly" nut is going to give a nice chunk to charity. That’s my guess.

I was cleaning off the desk today. Came across a "Girls Club" stainless steel vacuum sealed coffee thermos. Now, that was a good laugh. Do you remember the San Francisco-set "Girls Club"? Yeah, well, nobody does. Just god-awful. But hey, they made a good thermos.

Then, right behind it, I saw it. A very nice stainless steel flask with the "Firefly" logo on it. Apparently Fox has stock in stainless steel. If you have to ask what "Firefly" is, you’re not going to be bidding on this at whatever local charity I give it to. Those who know, well, you know who you are. When I gift it onward, I’ll let you know and you can show up with an offer.

Beats the Spike (Feresten) energy drink I just tossed out.