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The Avengers

"The Avengers" Movie - The trailer has been shot

Thursday 3 March 2011, by Webmaster

They’ve shot an AVENGERS trailer... oh and LATINO REVIEW claims to know the villains!!!


Hey folks, Harry here...

I got word that MARVEL has shot a specific teaser trailer for THE AVENGERS - and that LOKI is featured in that teaser trailer. Makes total sense. I imagine that will either be on THOR or CAP... or Both if they’re smart... But then... our buddies over at LATINO REVIEW - Kellvin says that he’s learned that Joss Whedon is going to be having Loki bring in The Skrulls.

So - Let’s see if I have this straight. In like a year’s time... The man that gave us SERENITY - is going to bring a cosmic SKRULLian smackdown to Earth being fought off by the AVENGERS? Jesus, we live in blessed times. I mean, MARVEL is getting science fiction and fantasy... This just delights me to no end. I mean, this is amazing. We’re going to have things we never thought we’d see. And I’ll be walking into theater to see it! Fucking Cool!