Homepage > Joss Whedon’s Tv Series > Buffy The Vampire Slayer > News > The Buffy Movies rumor by Scifi.about.com
Scifi.about.com Buffy The Vampire SlayerThe Buffy Movies rumor by Scifi.about.comSaturday 29 October 2005, by Webmaster BUFFY Well, Buffy kept dying and coming back to life, so it’s no wonder we Buffy fans want the same for the show. Having already been resurrected after its first cancellation, Buffy may yet return as DVD movies, or so says Marti Noxon, executive producer of UPN’s Buffy, when talking to SCI FI Wire. “There are serious discussions going on about bringing some of the characters back and making a few movies that will go straight to DVD, but they will certainly be the quality they have always been.” However, this will most likely be Buffy without Buffy, as Sarah Michelle Gellar has made it clear quite a few times that she’s done with the role. Instead, the movies might center on Spike, Willow, and/or Angel. 2 Forum messages |