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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The Consolation of Philosophie the Vampyre Slayer

Wednesday 27 October 2010, by Webmaster

*The Consolation of Philosophie the Vampyre Slayer: Boece languisheth in prisone, in which he is ysealed by the Mayster. Anon, Ladye Philosophie, who knoweth nat whethir she loveth Plato or Spyke moore, cometh to save Boece. She slayeth the vampyre of worldlie vanitee, the vampyre of illusorie goodes, and the vampyre of confusioun about the coexistense of Goddes foreknowledge wyth human free will. And ther are also many zingie one-lyners.

Swich are the maner of bookes that I wolde have the Hrothgar presse printe wyth its shinye newe technologie of litel metal letteres. And yet Virginia Wulfstan insisteth that the Hrothgar presse sholde nat prynt swich thinges, but rathir sholde prynt her owene werkes of “alliterative modernisme.”

Par ensaumple, she hath a book ywrit clepped Towardes the BoneHouse, in which Byrhtnoth "The Unspellable" of Ramseye ledeth hys warriors ayeinst the cruelous and fiendliche warryors of the Viking Danes, the which have a light-house ycaptured. A grete feeste of beef playeth sum keye role, for Ich know that in oon sectioun, Byrhtnoth saith to his men, “Ower high-courage sholde growe hardere, our heartes growe keenere, and ower mood-for-fight growe mightier, the moore that we eate of boeuf en daube.”Certes, thys beth a grete booke, and yet why beth ther nat room for bookes of classiques plus zombyes?

What thinketh yow, lordinges? What pleseth yow moore, the bookes of classiques updatid humorouslye, or the booke of the battel of the lighthouse? Ye maye eek wisshe to maken mencioun of yower owene proposales for bookes of machaup in the commentes.

Until nexte we meete, ye have my gretest thankes and affecioun.

 Le Vostre