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From Malkith.org

Joss Whedon

The Week in Whedon - Podcasting All The Joss Whedon Stuff

Wednesday 7 September 2005, by Webmaster

You’ve reached the home of the Week in Whedon. We are a weekly podcast of news highlights from the expansive works and related universes of Joss Whedon. With a trivia question and other stuff thrown in.

We gather our information from a myriad of news, entertainment and fan sites, enabling you to listen to your latest happenings in the Buffyverse and beyond in lieu of or in addition to reading them online.

We have no official affiliation with Joss Whedon or with any of the numerous fantastic fan sites that we frequent. I suppose that we don’t really have an unofficial affiliation either, it’s more of a decided and pronounced lack of affiliation. To be honest, we revel in our affiliationlessness, rolling in it like a dog would in something foul smelling that it discovered in the ditch.

Click on the link :
