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The top 50 dystopian movie of all time with Serenity at #15

Saturday 29 September 2007, by Webmaster

Dystopian Movies

Massive dehumanization, totalitarian government, rampant disease, post-apocalyptic terrains, cyber-genetic technologies, societal chaos and widespread urban violence are some of the common themes in dystopian films which bravely examine the ominous shadow cast by future.

A dystopia is a fictional society that is the antithesis or complete opposite of a utopia, an ideal world with a perfect social, political and technological infrastructure. A world without chaos, strife or hunger. A world where the individual potential and freedom is celebrated and brought to the forefront.

In contrast, the dystopian world is undesirable with poverty and unequal domination by specific individuals over others. Dystopian films often construct a fictional universe and set it in a background which features scenarios such as dehumanizing technological advancements, man-made disasters or class-based revolutions. Ranking the List

We thought it would be interesting if we could coagulate the most commonly cited dystopian movies and rank them not to preference, but to an average score made up of both Rotten Tomatoes (RT) and IMDB ratings.

As you all will probably know, the Internet Movie Database allows movie fans and registered users to rate each movie from 1 to 10 and the final score is said to reflect the general audience’s view of the movie. In contrast, Rotten Tomatoes rates their movies by collecting and tabulating the reviews given by professional film critics.

We’ve taken both ratings, added them together and found an average score for each film. Each of the films are then ranked according to this average score. We’ve also included links to the IMDB and RT profile for each movie so you can learn more about the movie.


16. Pleasantville (1998)


Pleasantville is a 1950s sitcom enjoying cult status on a contemporary cable channel. David loves it, but his sister Jennifer is too hip. When a mysterious TV repairman gives them a new remote control, the pair are transported into the world of Pleasantville like it or not. They find themselves trapped in an alternate reality where the town exists in black and white–in a white bread world without passion or violence. (Directed by Gary Ross)

IMDB: 7.5 | Rotten Tomatoes: 7.6 | Average: 7.55

15. Serenity (2005)


In the future, mankind has consumed planet Earth, called “Earth-that-was”, and moved to other planets and satellites. A new order is established with the totalitarian government of the Alliance, which fights and wins a war against their opponents, the independents. When Dr. Simon rescues his teenager telepathic sister River Tam from the claws of the Alliance, they are sheltered by a group of mercenaries and smugglers in the spacecraft Serenity, leaded by the former war hero Captain Malcolm ‘Mal’ Reynolds. (Directed by Joss Whedon)

IMDB: 8.0 | Rotten Tomatoes: 7.2 | Average: 7.6

14. Twelve Monkeys (1995)

12 Monkeys

The year is 2035 and humankind subsists in a desolate netherworld following the eradication of 99% of the Earth’s population, a holocaust that makes the planet’s surface uninhabitable, and mankind’s destiny uncertain. A desperate group of scientists secure a reluctant volunteer, Cole, to embark on a dangerous mission back to the year 1996, where they hope he can help unravel this apocalyptic nightmare. (Directed by Terry Gilliam)

IMDB: 8.0 | Rotten Tomatoes: 7.2 | Average: 7.6
