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From Tv Guide Magazine

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

Scan by Joey

Tuesday 25 May 2004, by Webmaster

25. Freaks & Geeks
24. Absolutely Fabulous
23. Forever Knight
22. H. R. Pufnstuf
21. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
20. Twin Peeks
19. Dark Shadows
18. Doctor Who
17.The Avengers
16. My So Called Life
15. Quantum Leap
14. Beauty & the Beast
13. Babylon 5
12. Family Guy
11. Mystery Science Theater 3000
10. Pee-Wee’s Playhouse
9. Xena: Warrior Princess
8. The Twilight Zone
7. The Prisoner
6. The Simpsons
5. Monty Python’s Flying Curcus
4. Farscape
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. X-Files
1. Star Trek

21 Forum messages

  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    25 May 2004 14:05, by James
    Well done Buffy! Wheres Angel, Alias, Roswell and Smallville though?
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    25 May 2004 17:32, by Anonymous

    Largely accurate but as expected from a US Magazine it is slanted towards US shows.

    Certainly it this was an international poll that included Canada, Australia and the the UK for example then "Doctor Who" would be No 1 or at the very least No 2.

    But why is Family Guy there but Angel not. Perhaps Buffy is meant to mean the Buffyverse as Star Treck is meant ot mean all of its series.

  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    25 May 2004 18:25, by Eddie
    Whys angel not in there? its far better than all those shows including buffy.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    25 May 2004 20:12, by Kathy
    Disappointed at Anel’s not being there and at the reasons given for the success of the show. This was more of a coup for SMGs publicity agent.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    25 May 2004 22:11, by Buffy 4Ever
    Angel is not on there because, the article means Buffyverse. That includes Angel. According to a source at TVGuide.com Alias and Smallville are on the list in waiting. This list is directed to the millions of dvds sold, or fan base, websites, conventions etc. Simpsons has the oddest of collectables, including asthma enhalers. Its been on air since 1989 and still continues to sale everything possible and do great in ratings. Family Guy, because it was number 1 DVD sales for TV. This is all according to TV Guide Magazine and tvguide.com Just be glad Buffy was added. I mean #3 is better than 33! or 333. Wouldn’t you say. I think next year, if they do this-Angel will be on there.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    25 May 2004 23:25, by Anonymous
    sorry, angel was NEVER better than buffy.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    26 May 2004 00:26, by Anonymous
    okay... ats, as a whole, is not better than btvs. get off work for 1 1/2 weeks, get all the dvds of all the seasons and watch one right after the other. you’ll see. But, I agree, Angel and Doctor Who should be on here.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    26 May 2004 01:44, by NonStopPop
    "Family Guy" is on there, I’d guess, because it’s the first show to sell so successfully on DVD that it’s resulted in the show coming back into production. You gotta admit, that’s impressive...
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    26 May 2004 10:50, by Too Old 4 This

    They must mean "of the 90s & 00s, or they’ve forgotten about the unfortunately successful M*A*S*H, which dragged on and on and sported the most watched finale of its decade.

    Similarly popular shows would be Cheers and Seinfeld. (Also having big finales)

    As for cult standing, M*A*S*H & Cheers are still inflicted on us, sometimes even twice a day (worse: back-to-back) on some stations.

    I am not a fan of any of these shows, but feel that it is worth noting.

    Angel is not on there because the difference between POP and CULT is time. I’m sure that it will be there one day.

  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    26 May 2004 18:47, by Anonymous
    i’m sooo glad forever knight is on there... nick knight had the tortured vampire brooding doing-good thing down way before angel did...he was inspiration, perhaps? heh.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    26 May 2004 19:48, by Juneshine
    Um, to those of you complaining about Doctor Who not being there, did you actually read the list? It’s number 18!
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    27 May 2004 00:24, by Anonymous
    well, I actually meant dr. who shouldbe highter up- its like #1 here in england
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    27 May 2004 02:54, by BRMS
    Angel is NOT better than Buffy, even though it is very good. And I whoever said that thing about SMG’S publicity.. I REALLY don’t think thats it. If Buffy was always a bigger cult than Angel, but they always tie in together.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    27 May 2004 08:23, by Shez!!!!!
    "Angel" is part of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" cult following. This is because it had spun off from Buffy. That is why "Angel" is not on th list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    28 May 2004 17:40, by Bill
    I would have felt better about the article if they had mentioned the writers and the strong ensemble cast instead of focusing on SMG and the Buffy/Angel romance. Some people may have tuned in for the romance and the character of Buffy, but a lot of us turned in for the writing, or because they were fans of other characters and other story lines. This infers otherwise.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    30 May 2004 23:37, by Anonymous
    As far as I am concerned Angel is way better than Buffy, so it is only fair that it gets a mention. All this talk about Angel being part of the buffyverse the reason it didnt get mentioned is a load of balls. I say a new list should be made with Angel right at the top. p.s anybody who thinks Angel is not better than Buffy, should go watch season 6+ 7 of Buffy ,they suck.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    31 May 2004 03:24, by Noreen

    yay BtVS.

    As for the rest of you protesting Angel and the placings and all that...

    This is not the Best shows List. it is The Cult List. Who, in a whole, like it so much that they have tons and tons of websites, fandoms, and sales.

    Although Angel and BtVS are good shows and I enjoy them more than the top 2, it’s just my opinion. many others feel differently.

  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    31 May 2004 22:57, by Imawake

    Yay Buffy, but it should be #2. Angel should be there regardless, but since they didn’t segment the Star Treks, it’s probably that Buffy/Angel is the same "cult."

    Northern Exposure should have been there instead of either Ab Fab or Freaks. The Simpsons is mainstream, so I question its inclusion. May as well include MASH if you include The Simpsons.

    HR Pufnstuf— Wow! THE weirdest, trippiest thing ever shown anywhere, but I’m amazed that anyone remembers it enough to include in the list.

  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    5 June 2004 21:21, by Anonymous
    C’mon guys! maybe Angel should be in the list but all guys who said Ats is better than Buffy is ridiculous! there’s no exist Angel without Buffy exist! first is the First Then Angel! is dumb u do that!
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    6 June 2004 19:24, by Tallin
    I can understand Angel not being on there. I personally think it is a better show, but that doesn’t necessarily entail a greater cult following. What I don’t understand is how they came up with this list...and why some shows (such as Highlander or MacGyver) aren’t on it, and other shows, like Freaks & Geeks, as well as 22 and 21 (which I’ve never even heard of) are.
  • > Top 25 Cult Shows Ever - BTVS at #3

    7 June 2004 01:44, by Wolverine68

    I sent email to TV guide that this list was messed up.

    I think Dr. Who & Forever Knight should have been higher up. And it is an insult that Forever Knight makes it but not Angel.

    I was also pissed that Xena made it, but not Hercules (which in fact created Xena).

    If they are grouping things like Buffy & Angel, or Star Treks, I think they should say so.

    TV guide has always had a nact for coming up with good articles, and having a bad writter do it.

    Join me, and go to TVGUIDE.COM, and tell them how you fell.