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From Buffy Yahoo Groups

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Top Ten Signs You’re in Denial About Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Season 8

By Steve

Wednesday 1 October 2003

From the home office in the big whole in the ground that used to be Sunnydale CA :

Top Ten Signs You’re in Denial About Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Season 8.

drum roll...

10. You say, "There is going to be a season 8. They have switched networks again and just haven’t told us which one yet."

9. You’ve been seen kneeling more often than usual in front of your bedroom shrine to Joss Whedon.

8. You say, "BTVS can’t be over. They haven’t resurected Tara yet."

7. You’re convinced that Miss Kitty Fantastico is going to be S8’s Big Bad.

6. You think they are just on hiatus until SMG completes her next Scooby Doo movie.

5. On you’re BTVS mailing groups you keep posting, "Series Finale ! What Series Finale ? I didn’t see any Series Finale !"

4. On "Tru Calling" you think Eliza Dushku’s character is just Faith undercover.

3. You think the first shot of S8 will be Buffy waking up and realizing S7 was all just a dream.

2. You say, "It is going to take half of S8 just to resolve that William/Halfrek thing."

And the number one sign you are in denial about BTVS S8...

1. Your roommate/spouse/sibling/partner tells you that you keep saying in your sleep over and over, "Stay tuned for scenes from next week’s exciting episode of ’Buffy the Vampire Slayer !’"

Hope you enjoyed.