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From Theage.com.au

Tripod (buffy mention)

By Helen Razer

Saturday 6 November 2004, by Webmaster

In a room crammed with more slide-rule prowess that your average calculus convention, the six-legged Geek Apparent strutted its self-aware stuff.

These nerd heart-throbs demonstrated not only that pocket protectors CAN be chic fashion accessories; they showed the great seam of humour than can be mined from the everyday life of the egghead.

Owing a debt to the outlandishly bogus set design of early Dr Who, Tripod make great comedic use of low-fi props and wonderfully crappy lighting effects.

In a theatrical space dominated by cardboard and wonderful bad taste, the boyish boundlessness of the writing is given full, amusing reign.

Songs every bit as cute as a bug’s ear are peppered throughout a journey that takes our heroes through space, into the unsavoury realm of carbon-silicon love, and forward to geek-fuelled victory.

It’s a funny story executed with aptitude.

Tripod has the courage to embrace its inner Geek and the skill to enunciate this in wayward song.

If you’ve ever thought about attending a Buffy convention and then, almost immediately, found your own partiality to something so nerdy just a little bit funny, Tripod has your name written all over it.