Dan/Paige/Steven - The 3 med students are close friends in Harvard. They develop an experiment to unlock repressed memories in the brain.
Tru joins catches up to Paige, Dan, and Steven. She introduces as "Jessica Sanders." The group takes no interest in her and tries to leave.
Tru and Paige are sitting at a small booth at the Burger Joint. They are talking about how hard it is at med school and Paige’s relationship. And then Tru jumps in telling her that she knows Paige is doing drugs. She takes a look at her arm but there isn’t any track marks. Paige withdraws and leaves, but Tru follows her.
We’re in an abandon building. Tru peeks from the side and watches the 3 students (Dan, Paige, and Steven). Dan and Paige have on surgical masks and latex gloves. To the side, there’s Steven’s body with electronic monitors attched to his skull, chest and arms. Dan and Paige watches the monitor as Steven’s body convulses. Paige counts 8 seconds and then 20 seconds. Dan reaches for a pair of Electronic Paddles and attaches the paddles to Steven’s chest. *Clear!* The paddles shock Steven but there’s no change in his heartbeat. Its 30 seconds now and Dan gives it the 3rd try. The shock made Steven’s body convulses and there’s silence.. Then slowly, the beep sound appears again. Steven’s body begins to go back to a normal rate and he wakes up. Tru steps in now, "I’m all ears."
Tru calls Lindsay and ask her if she can cover. Lindsay agrees. She hangs up her cellphone and she appears to be in the restaurant. Its the same one that Tru met Jeremy. Lindsay tells Jeremy that Tru isn’t going to make it tonight. Jeremy makes a joke about how Lindsay is too good to be Tru.
Tru: So let me get this straight: you got this little hobby. You kill yourselves.
Dan: For starters.
Tru: Then, you resuscitate.
Dan: That’s the plan.
Tru asks what’s the point of all this and Steven replies that when you come back, you’re not the same. Dan gets intense but Paige and Steven decides to let "Jessica" into their secret. Steven tells Jessica that there’s an urban myth that when you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes. Tru gets it.. She says "Memories.. You’re unlockng repressed memories." Dan explains that they are just chemicals locked in the brain between the occipital fissure and the temporal lobe.
Tru tells them that the experiment will kill them but Steven doesn’t agree.. "Almost kills you" he says. Paige asks Steven if it worked on him and he describes how his father lefted him when he was two. "Crystal clear memory of that day and so much more" - Steven. Paige says she’s next but Tru says there’s got to be another way.
Tru catches up to Steven and tell him to keep Paige out of the experiment. He says "No Way", but Tru tells him that Paige will get killed. Steven asks how she knows but Tru won’t tell him. He starts to walk away but Tru gives it one more try and tells him that Paige will die in a few hours unless he speak to her. " Little late for that. "Few Hours?" She’s doing it right now" - Steven.
Tru is across the street and she looks at the next door neighbor. At the second floor, a stained glass window has an image of a night sky: The moon and the stars."
We’re in the medical school campus now. Tru tries to press Dan for information. "She unlocked a memory, didn’t she?" - Tru. Dan tells Tru its done of her business and she isn’t even a med student. Tru steps up and tells him she isn’t a student. She ask where Paige is but Dan doesn’t know. He tells her that Paige remembered there’s a man that wanted to hurt and touch her. "And some crap about the moon and the stars" - Dan. Tru knows what he’s talking about.
It is night and we seen inside the room of the neighbors house. There’s sounds like an argument is going on. The Neighbor tells Paige she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. "I was a child, you son of a baby. I was nine" - Paige. The Neighbor says he’ll call his father and Paige tells him go ahead. We’re close to the stairs now. "No one will believe you anyway" - Neighbor. They shove each other and the neighbor pins Paige to the wall. He almost pushes her down until he sees Tru at the bottom of the stairs with the door open.
It is night, and Tru and Paige are sitting at Paige’s front porch. Tru asks how she’s doing, and Paige says she’s hurt all over. She ask who Tru is, "Please don’t say Jessica Sanders." Tru tells her she only took the name so that she can talk to her.
Paige: "Why’d you help me?
Tru: "Its sorta my job. Not that I really understand"
Tru and Lindsay and speaking to each other on the phone. Tru ask how her date and Lindsay said she wouldn’t help herself.
Lindsay: Forgiven?
Tru: Completely. Forget about it.
Lindsay: Anyway, I’m telling you. The perfect guy for you is out there. Somewhere. You just haven’t met him yet.
Tru: That, or I’ve met him too many times.
Lindsay: Exactly. Wait - how’s that work?
Tru smiles...