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From Tvguide.com

James Marsters

Tvguide.com quotes James Marsters about Spike Tv Movie

Wednesday 2 March 2005, by Webmaster

END QUOTE : "As long as I could do it within, say, the next four or five years; past that, I’m too old. Spike’s a vampire, man, and I’ve got high standards - you have to believe that the guy has not aged since we met him." - Buffy/Angel alum James Marsters on what it would take to get him to do a Spike TV-movie.

7 Forum messages

  • Yeah right...

    2 March 2005 21:14, by Ascay
    "you have to believe that the guy has not aged since we met him" - look at the Spike in Buffy Season 2 and the Spike in Angel Season 5. It’s quite clear that he ages...
  • he still looks hot!!! hehehe :P yummy james!
  • Ascay - i know, he clearly has aged from season 2 - 7...but he’s aged really nicely. And it’s no reason not to do a movie dammit!
  • Spike is my favorite character in the entire BTVS universe. He sucked nothing out of the show for me.. he only enhanced it. Made it even more entertaining and wonderful to watch. Joss, James and quite a number of fans have expressed interest in a Spike movie.. I hope we get one. And I adore James for his loyalty to his fans and his willingness to return to the character that so many of us love and miss.
  • Happy to hear that James is still for doing a Spike movie. I love Spike and James plays the character to perfection. Also I think James looks damn good for a 42 year old man. Before I knew his real age I would have guessed he was in his early/mid thirties myself.
  • I agree if they dont produce a Spike Movie/spinn-off in the next 2 -3 years they wont be able to....because James is getting older and its gonna be hard for Spike with grey hair to play a vampire.(not that he will have grey hair, just making a humour point)...when hes suppose to be immortal

    See online : >Tvguide.com quotes James Marsters about Spike Tv Movie

  • Are you kidding ? This guy doesn’t look like a 42 ! Go James go ! No joke, I would really like to see a movie featuring Spike.