From AngelUK Band Come Out In Support Of ’Angel’By Kenton Thursday 18 March 2004, by Webmaster UK BAND COME OUT IN SUPPORT OF ’ANGEL’ Continuing the overwhelming and unprecedented show of fan support for the show ’Angel’, whose cancellation was announced by the WB network on the 13th February, the band ’ist’, based in the United Kingdom have added their voices to the outcry over the network’s decision. The band, who formed three years ago, are all long-time fans of the Joss Whedon/David Greenwalt created show, as well as other Whedon projects such as ’Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ’Firefly’ but, in their eyes, the issue is bigger than just the one show. "Shows of the quality of ’Angel’," said Kenton Hall, one of the band’s two singer/songwriters, "are few and far between. For it to be cancelled is a slap in the face of anyone who wishes for more quality programming and less of television’s favourite arena: the lowest-common denominator. Joss Whedon and his team have their own vision and, for better or for worse, they stick to it. That should be rewarded, not punished." Jack Bomb, lead guitarist, vocalist and songwriter, agrees: "People like Whedon and shows like ’Angel’ should be an inspiration to every artist, in whatever field they work. Elvis Costello, for instance, or Tom Waits would be his musical equivalent. It’s all about the work. And that kind of dedication breeds dedicated fans, as the Save Angel campaigns show." "We aspire to producing music that provokes that level of response," Hall adds, "So it is only right that we stand up on the behalf of people who have already proved that art and popularity need not be mutually exclusive concepts." Detroit Robbins is ist’s bass player and, as a talented filmmaker in his own right, is set to direct the band’s first video, for forthcoming single ’Similarly Inclined’, co-written with Kenton Hall. He is full of praise for Joss Whedon. "He knows how to push emotional buttons without leaving you feeling manipulated or cheated. That is an enormous skill. Angel is not a genre show. The supernatural element is simply backdrop. These are simply great stories, told with wit, humour and fantastic drama. We need shows like ’Angel’ on TV or we might as well throw our sets away en masse." Drummer Flash is more succinct: "I love Buffy and Angel. Great Television is thin on the ground. But then so is Great Music - at least how we define it, which is great songs, played with passion. Angel and ist are on the same path. We have to support each other." ’ist’ have recently released their debut album Freudian Corduroy, described as "11 1/2 songs about sex, sadness and emotional subterfuge’. As part of their drive to help save Angel, ist will donating $5.00 from every copy of Freudian Corduroy sold between March and August 2004 to a series of charities supported by key members of the Buffy and Angel casts and crews, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Stuttering Foundation and Camp Hale. They will also be donating proceeds from their 3rd anniversary gig (and 1st official SAVE ANGEL gig) being held at The Musician, Clyde Street, Leicester, UK. For further information, please contact or |